Dear Pastor and Church

I want to thank you again for the love and support as my family and I travelled on deputation. For this month’s update, we have a video presentation to share with you. This video lists a few things that we need currently and in the months to come. If the Lord leads you to help in any way, please reach out to me via email at or by phone (251) 591-1891

One thing the video does not go into is some building repairs that need to be made. I’ve had two contractors come and give us estimates of what needs to be done to prepare four class rooms in the back for use. There are leaks in the building. One is from an air conditioner. That one should be getting fixed soon. But the others are around the flat roof that can be seen in the video (standing water) that covers our foyer area. The flat roof has been patched numerous times.  The roof itself is fine (over the auditorium and classrooms) but there are air gaps that shouldn’t be, which is allowing rain in around an access door and other areas. As you can imagine, this is causing mold issues and we’ve discontinued any use of these areas until repairs are made. 

I’m also told there’s an underground water leak that needs to be repaired. We aren’t certain where it’s located at this time but this could be a costly repair as well. Just locating the leak is an expensive task. 

Please pray we can have these repairs made quickly as it’s our desire to have these four classrooms available for use at the end of October. 

While we never stopped soul winning, when we were home from deputation, we now have gospel tracts and we are able to get those out into the community every week! This has been a tremendous blessing, knowing that we are able to tell others about Christ and have a physical location where we can disciple them once they get saved. We had one family join the church not long after we started holding services!

We truly hope and pray the video presentation is a blessing and an encouragement to you and yours. We are truly grateful and humbled by what God has done these last few months. 

“To God be the glory, great things He hath done!”

In Christ,

Richard Deshauteurs

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