Dear Pastor and Church,

As I write this letter, my family and I are in a prophets chamber at Lockhart Road Baptist Church in Denham Springs, LA. We have been presenting the work of Victory Baptist church to everyone that will have us come as we try to raise enough support to plant this church. We are so grateful for every church that gives us the opportunity to present and we are even more grateful for those that give one time offerings or monthly support.

I mentioned a couple of months ago that we knew we would have to move the launch date back as monthly support takes time to raise. I’m working around the clock and rest is sometimes difficult to come by. I work my 40 hour week, we load up and we travel and preach all weekend. A couple of weeks ago we were forced to take a break as we all tried to recover from this bug that’s been going around. That being said, we’ve had about 30% of support promised to us but we have yet to see that come to fruition. The percentage that’s actually coming in is much less than that. I almost hate to report that but those are the facts. Please pray for me and my family, for travel safety and that we can raise the support that is needed for this great work.  

With much prayer and counsel from my Pastor, Randy Tewell, and Baptist Church Planting Ministries Director Jeremy Roland, we have moved the launch date from April 2024 to October 2024; We will use these extra months to try to continue the efforts to raise the needed support. October 2024 will be a busy time of year as we prepare to launch and we want to ask you to pray about sending a group from your church to help us knock doors in the community. We will be having Get Acquainted Meetings starting October 20th. Between September and October, we will be trying to reach as many as possible with the hopes and prayers to see souls saved and people joining together for the launch of Victory Baptist Church. 

In Three weeks we will be in Virginia and surrounding areas for about two weeks, trying to present to some churches on the east coast. Pray that we can fill a slot for every Sunday and Wednesday service that we are there. 

Would you also pray about helping us raise funds to buy the necessary materials/equipment that a church plant needs? We are praying for a permanent location that we can start out renting so that we can leave things set up instead of having to set up and take down equipment for every service. God’s will be done.

If the Lord lays something on your heart in particular, please let us know and we will allot the funds to that specific need. Anything you raise can be sent directly to our Sending Church, Lighthouse Baptist Church in Theodore, AL. and just mention the church plant. 

Thank you so much for the love and support you have shown our family. As we are striving to see this work accomplished, sometimes the task ahead of us looks impossible. But we know that with God, all things are possible. So we rest our hearts and minds in His power and grace, trusting that God will accomplish His perfect will. 

“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” 

II Corinthians 5:7

In Christ,

Richard Deshauteurs

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