If you feel led to help cover any of the items below, we want to thank you in advance for helping us fulfill the great commission in the city that God has called us to. We will be updating this list as the funds come in. Please specify the direction you want the funds to go and we will make sure that it is taken care of. Thanks again and God bless! 




  • Signage                                                                                                         $2,000.00 (Need met)

  • Gospel tracts (10,000)                                                                                  $600.00

  • Flyers (20,000)                                                                                              $500.00 (need met)

  • Mail-out (20,000 homes)                                                                             $5,000.00

  • Door Hanger Bags (for 20k John and Romans)                                        $650.00

  • Social Media advertising                                                                             $500.00


  • Building Repairs/Maintenance:          waiting on estimates for building repairs –Flat roof repairs needed, Back classrooms have severe water damage, and water leaks. cannot be used at this time. Fellowship hall and entryway have the 12×12 ceiling tiles that need to be replaced with drywall. window repairs. carpet repairs.

  • Landscaping                                                                                               $1000.00



Worship Service:

  • Guest / visitor cards                                                                                     $300.00 (Need Met)

  • Tithing Envelopes                                                                                         $100.00 (Need Met)

  • SOUND SYSTEM                                                                                           $1000.00

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