We are excited to share a huge answer to prayer with you! This past fall, a church in Mobile began asking me to preach for them on different occasions. They were going through changes and it became evident very quickly that they were in need of a pastor. At the end of February they asked if I would consider being their pastor. This week they voted to call me as their pastor with the goal to replant as Victory Baptist Church in Mobile, AL. This physical location and a small group of people to launch with is an answer to prayer! In the process of getting to know the people there we have been worshiping with them every Sunday for the past month. The response in the community has been encouraging as each week there is a visitor that wasn’t there before. The location is only 10 minutes or so from Midtown and is thriving. 

         As with every thing there is another side to consider; for us, that is deputation. We’ve been traveling for about 14 months and after watching our support grow we were estimating that we’d need to continue for another year to reach 100%. The fields are white and the burden to reach this community is heavy. We believe that God has opened this door and we are trusting that He is going to provide. Would you pray about what God would have you do to support us as we plant this church? We are having to cancel deputation meetings scheduled on Sundays as we will be having services at our new location while we prepare to officially launch as VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Our official launch date is October 27th. and there is a lot of work to be done to prepare legally because we want things to be done “decently and in order”. 

There is a work to be done for the spiritual need as well. Please pray about coming and helping us canvas the area with John & Romans on any Saturday in October! You can reach out to me and schedule in advance as our goal will be to get as many tracts, door hangers and flyers into the community as possible. We would appreciate any and all help. 

            Email: pastordesh7@gmail.com 

            Phone: (251) 591-1891

If you would like to help with the cost of gospel tracts, door hangers, signs and other needed supplies, I will be post a list that we will update as the needs arise. Any funds given would go a long way to help us have a successful launch. Your support would mean a lot to us. 

My family and I truly appreciate the love and support we have had as we’ve travelled this last year and a half. And we are excited to see all that God does in the years ahead through Victory Baptist Church in Mobile, AL.


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