Dear Pastor and Church;

We are so grateful for the people and churches who God has put in our paths! I’m thankful for every opportunity that we’ve had to present our calling to the city of Mobile. Our family greatly appreciates every church that has taken us on for support.

This last week, we’ve had more calls from missionaries, pastors and friends that we’ve made, just encouraging us to continue. I’m grateful for every call, text and email that we’ve gotten.

Where God guides, God provides! God has called us to plant Victory Baptist Church in Mid-town Mobile. We’ve seen churches take us on for support, pastors have called and schedule us that we weren’t even aware of. There’s a family that’s extended their guest home to us when we are in the area because we still live an hour away. As I write this letter, we are currently enjoying the quietness of their guest home. Every need is being supplied!

We are looking forward to this year coming, we have at least four major church planting conferences lined up in the beginning of the year and are scheduling meetings with the hopes of filling the calendar for the most part, through the major portion of the year.

Lord willing, this October 20th we will be launching Victory Baptist church for the glory and honor of God. There will be a few Get Acquainted Meetings as we Launch and have outreach in the community.

We have reached out to over 300 churches this past month as we continue our efforts to raise support. Please pray with us, that we reach full support before October 2024. If you know of pastors and churches looking to take on a local New Testament Church plant, would you please give them our information? Help us as we strive to reach Mobile with the Gospel.

Pray that God keeps us safe on the roads; pray that we find the perfect place to plant the church in the Midtown area. Pray that we can begin to see the necessary supplies/equipment come in that the work of The Lord can be unhindered. Pray for laborers. Pray for souls to be tender to the gospel (even now) as we get out and tell them about Jesus Christ.

God’s word says that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. So we are asking God’s people to pray.

Thank you again for allowing us the opportunity to present to you and your church this year! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we wish you a very Merry Christmas as we remember the reason for Christ’s birth.

In Christ;

Richard D. Deshauteurs

Church Planter to Mid-town Mobile, AL.

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