Pastor Richard Deshauteurs and Family

My testimony

I grew up in Biloxi Mississippi where my parents made sure my brothers and I had church to teach us from God’s word. It was there that I heard the gospel message but pride would keep me from turning to Christ for quite some time. I was saved at the age of 18 and not long after, the Lord called me to preach. I’ve been involved in various aspects of ministry. for just over 10 years, I volunteered in Detention centers, preaching at least three to four times in a week. As that ministry came to a close, God opened another door for me to serve as an Assistant Pastor in Gulfport Mississippi. I served as the Youth Pastor there for five years. God would then call me and my family to the city of Mobile. We have been here a little over two years now, knocking doors and telling people about the Loving Savior.

As the Pastor of Victory Baptist Church, it is my hearts desire to see others stirred for the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to see other young men surrender their lives to Christ and be used mightily of God. My desire is to see our community change for the better with the publishing of the gospel, to see the evidence of Christ and the victory that’s found in Him all throughout our city, our nation and the world. May God use this church to bring about great victory in the lives of many people.

My family

My wife Mary, and I married in 2008; we met in church. Her father was a church planter in the Atlanta area and during Hurricane Katrina, a family from our church stayed with them in Atlanta for some time. In 2006, they visited for our church anniversary and we met for the first time. Mary would come to help me greatly in the jail ministry, ministering to the young ladies and being a mother figure to many of the young people that we would meet.

God has blessed us with three beautiful children. Brooklyn, Alexia, and Aiden have been a joy and a great help in every step of our ministry.

My vision

Our vision can be broken into several components. First of all, see souls come to know Jesus like we have, as the sin-bearing, death-conquering King. Secondly, we long to see souls be baptized as the Lord commands–a public declaration that they are no longer the old person living for the world and against God. Third, we are seeking to disciple the saints. This may be over a cup of coffee, at your home, or maybe at our home. We long to see more Christians learn to live the more abundant life that Jesus has promised. Lastly, our fourth vision is to see a community of people who are saved by God’s grace duplicate this vision at Victory through ministries to the youth, to the poor, and to families in all areas of life.

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